Games Workshop Group Dividend Calculator

GAW Dividend Calculator

The table below shows all upcoming and recently paid Games Workshop Group dividend payments. Enter the number of Games Workshop Group (GAW) shares you currently hold to see the actual dividend amount received in pound sterling. Alternatively, if the number of shares you held varied in the past, then enter the number of GAW shares you previously held for each dividend in the dividend table below.

Current GAW Share Price: 13240.0p

A holding of 0 GAW shares is currently worth £0

Dividend Type Payment
Shares Held
80p Q3 14-Feb-25 £0.00
85p Q2 29-Nov-24 £0.00
100p Q1 16-Sep-24 £0.00
105p Q4 13-May-24 £0.00
120p Q3 23-Feb-24 £0.00
50p Q2 03-Nov-23 £0.00
145p Q1 11-Sep-23 £0.00
120p Q4 19-May-23 £0.00
130p Q3 24-Feb-23 £0.00
45p Q3 25-Nov-22 £0.00
30p Q2 04-Nov-22 £0.00
90p Q1 12-Sep-22 £0.00
70p Q4 13-May-22 £0.00
65p Q3 25-Feb-22 £0.00

Expected Dividend Payment - This value is the gross dividend amount. In order to have received the above dividend payments you must have held shares in Games Workshop Group on the ex-dividend date for the various dividends. All upcoming and previous GAW ex-dividend dates can be found on the GAW dividend page.