Global X SuperDividend UCITS ETF Dividend Calculator

SDIV Dividend Calculator

The table below shows all upcoming and recently paid Global X SuperDividend UCITS ETF dividend payments. Enter the number of Global X SuperDividend UCITS ETF (SDIV) shares you currently hold to see the actual dividend amount received in pound sterling. Alternatively, if the number of shares you held varied in the past, then enter the number of SDIV shares you previously held for each dividend in the dividend table below.

Current SDIV Share Price: $8.60

A holding of 0 SDIV shares is currently worth £0

Dividend Payment
Shares Held
$0.078 27-Dec-24 £0.00
$0.0775 29-Nov-24 £0.00
$0.0795 31-Oct-24 £0.00
$0.079 26-Sep-24 £0.00
$0.0825 29-Aug-24 £0.00
$0.0835 25-Jul-24 £0.00
$0.0845 27-Jun-24 £0.00
$0.077 30-May-24 £0.00
$0.0815 25-Apr-24 £0.00
$0.089 21-Mar-24 £0.00
$0.0855 22-Feb-24 £0.00
$0.087 18-Jan-24 £0.00
$0.088 21-Dec-23 £0.00
$0.088 24-Nov-23 £0.00
$0.088 19-Oct-23 £0.00
$0.09 21-Sep-23 £0.00
$0.09 24-Aug-23 £0.00
$0.095 27-Jul-23 £0.00
$0.095 30-Jun-23 £0.00
$0.095 18-May-23 £0.00
$0.1025 18-Apr-23 £0.00
$0.1095 23-Mar-23 £0.00
$0.1095 23-Feb-23 £0.00
$0.1095 23-Jan-23 £0.00
$0.1095 03-Jan-23 £0.00
$0.1095 28-Nov-22 £0.00
$0.1095 31-Oct-22 £0.00
$0.1195 03-Oct-22 £0.00
$0.123598 29-Aug-22 £0.00
$0.301002 07-Jul-22 £0.00

Expected Dividend Payment - This value is the gross dividend amount. In order to have received the above dividend payments you must have held shares in Global X SuperDividend UCITS ETF on the ex-dividend date for the various dividends. All upcoming and previous SDIV ex-dividend dates can be found on the SDIV dividend page.

Exchange Rates - The following exchange rate(s) have been used for the dividends where no sterling equivalent has been declared by the company. For these dividends, the actual dividend amount you receive may differ due to different exchange rates used by your broker.

Payment DateRate
27-Dec-24$1 = £0.79917
29-Nov-24$1 = £0.78755
31-Oct-24$1 = £0.7719
26-Sep-24$1 = £0.74895
29-Aug-24$1 = £0.75879
25-Jul-24$1 = £0.77661
27-Jun-24$1 = £0.79041
30-May-24$1 = £0.78517
25-Apr-24$1 = £0.79886
21-Mar-24$1 = £0.79016
22-Feb-24$1 = £0.79078
18-Jan-24$1 = £0.78872
21-Dec-23$1 = £0.78931
24-Nov-23$1 = £0.79317
19-Oct-23$1 = £0.82164
21-Sep-23$1 = £0.81331
24-Aug-23$1 = £0.79172
27-Jul-23$1 = £0.77813
30-Jun-23$1 = £0.78693
18-May-23$1 = £0.80635
18-Apr-23$1 = £0.80464
23-Mar-23$1 = £0.81298
23-Feb-23$1 = £0.8337
23-Jan-23$1 = £0.80848
03-Jan-23$1 = £0.83492
28-Nov-22$1 = £0.8342
31-Oct-22$1 = £0.8718
03-Oct-22$1 = £0.88672
29-Aug-22$1 = £0.85094
07-Jul-22$1 = £0.83318